Vapour Days Replaceable Tip ECig – Review

This product is suitable for anybody who finds the battery/atomiser/e-liquid bottles too complicated. It simply has a tip which screws onto a rechargeable battery. This provides you with vapour in a similar way to the battery/atomiser electronic cigarette kit, except it is simpler to use. There are still a number of e-liquid flavours to choose from Menthol, Tobacco (Red USA Mix), Gold Cigar and Mango.

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Smoking Rots The Body- BBC News

BBC News Electronic Cigarettes

Smoking rots the body a BBC production has documented how smoking rots the body from the inside. This includes not only the smoker themselves but any surrounding people passively smoking.

Professor Fenton, National Director for Health and Wellbeing for PHE, explained that “Much of the harm caused by smoking doesn’t become obvious until middle age but the invisible damage can start shockingly early – even by the late teens.”

To watch the news report or read the article follow this link BBC News –

The news campaign highlights the serious damage smoking causes. Anybody considering electronic cigarettes as a healthier alternative to smoking should look no further. Visit the Vapour Days Bristol store now on the middle floor of the Galleries Shopping Centre.

Alternatively you can shop online –