Negative Consequences of Smoking and Smoking Around Your Family

Stop Smoking

We are all aware that there is a lot of information on the harsh consequences of smoking! and passive smoking in the media, scientific research, knowing someone who’s died of smoking related disease… the list goes on. Times have changed with COVID-19! news announcements have highlighted more people have reverted back to smoking, including those who had succeeded with quitting smoking through vaping.

Smoking Kills

It’s important to remind ourselves of how destructive smoking is to us and our loved ones, through their passive smoking. Consider the research done on electronic cigarettes! take a look at the NHS video which refers to vaping being equivalent to our health as patches or gum. The below debate discusses how destructive smoking is to us. We also consider different e cigarette options that may be the tool needed to help you quit smoking for good.

Continue reading Negative Consequences of Smoking and Smoking Around Your Family

Should I Give Up Vaping in light of the Coronavirus?

Vaping in the Coronavirus

Switching from Smoking to Vaping – Is This Still a Good Choice? How to give up Vaping!

The Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC) has made a clear statement that smokers should quit smoking to increase their health during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. There have also been some suggestions in the media that it is unclear whether vapers should also look to quit during this time. Ultimately, if you want to quit smoking by using electronic cigarettes then the Public Health England has repeatedly claimed that vaping is around 95% healthier for us than smoking. Therefore now is an excellent time to switch to vaping to increase your health outcomes.

Continue reading Should I Give Up Vaping in light of the Coronavirus?

What is Mouth to Lung Vaping?

lady vaping

Mouth to lung vape kit? What is mouth to lung vaping? Every vaper has their own preferences when it comes to their vape. With so many choices available, from the thousands of device models, setups and e-liquid flavours, you have unlimited freedom to customise your vaping experience.

Even how you inhale can vary. There are two main breathing styles when it comes to vaping: mouth-to-lung or direct-to-lung. Each has its pros and cons, producing a drastically different vaping experience, and it’s important to know these because not all devices and e-liquids will be compatible with either style. While you can definitely use both for different purposes, most vapers end up heavily preferring one over the other. Continue reading What is Mouth to Lung Vaping?

Where in the UK is it OK to Vape?

lady vaping standing against wall

Vaping may have become more popular in recent years, but that has also contributed to a rise in concern over its potential effects. This has led to increasing regulation to limit the places in which you can vape, so make sure you check the rules before you take out your electronic cigarette. In this guide, we cover the rules concerning where you can and can’t vape in the UK. First though, let’s start by looking at the legislation. Continue reading Where in the UK is it OK to Vape?

E Cigarette Ban Lifted by Nottingham Hospital Trust

Vapour Days Electronic Cigarettes and E-Liquids Bristol Store

E Cigarette Ban Lifted by Nottingham Hospital Trust

In 2014 Nottingham Hospital Trust had banned the use of e cigarettes on its grounds. After considering the recommendations of Public Health England in 2015, NHS England recommended that vaping should not be banned by hospital trusts or prisons. Nottingham Hospital Trust has now lifted its ban and now permits vaping in the hospital grounds.


The full article can be read on the following link

Vapour Days Bristol – New Store

Vapour Days Bristol E Cigarette Shop

Vapour Days Bristol – New Store

Vapour Days is pleased to offer the new and improved e cigarette shop in Bristol on the middle floor of the Galleries Shopping Centre. Come and take a look at the new store, which now offers a vast range of products, including the stylish new range of vaping T-Shirts and hoodies. Self-service tester bars are also available so you can simply pick up your chosen flavour to try without having to ask.

Vapour Days Bristol Store

Vapour Days Bristol E Cig Shop