What are the Effects on Vaping with the Coronavirus – COVID 19?
All vape shops have required to remain closed to help save lives and stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Vapour Days is no exception! We support this drastic action taken by the UK Government as we also know many of our loyal customers, and family and friends, are high risk.
How long will Vape Shops Remain Closed?
There are many petitions by the vape industry to reopen vape shops. Vaping is an essential tool to help stop many people from smoking! especially as it is also highly recommended to stop smoking to increase survival odds if contracting the virus. Even if the petitions succeed and vape shops reopen, we strongly urge our customers to buy online where you can to help limit your exposure and those of our higher risk customers and families. We are each responsible to help stop the spread of the virus.
Buying Vape Products Through Shop Closures
To help you plan your vaping journey online, we recommend buying sufficient stock on our website to keep you going, bear in mind with the increased online traffic there may be delays with the Royal Mail delivery times. There may also be stock shortages on some items bought online as our stock levels are selling out fast. We have so far managed to retain sufficient stock for everybody, but please do consider how much you may need if you only love one particular juice or only have one particular e cigarette device with unusual coils.
How will you manage if your vape gets lost of breaks? A cheap spare kit could prove invaluable to help you continue vaping while vape shops are closed. At the moment, the best value device as an emergency backup is the Jomotech Lite AIO Vape, and the best bargain for sub ohmers is the Purge Ally vape kit currently at a huge 50% sales price, while stocks last.
We urge you to stay safe by staying in and buying online. If you are not sure on how to use our website, which coils you need to buy, or which vape device you need to choose to finally stop smoking for good – do not to be afraid to call or email and ask for assistance. Our staff size has temporarily reduced to protect our staff from this virus so the shop landline is not currently available, but you can still contact us on 01179 256413, and we will be happy to assist you. If you want non-urgent assistance! Vapour Days have more staff working at responding to your email requests as we can safely do this from home. Our email address is sales@vapourdays.co.uk. We will respond within 24 hours.
How can I be a responsible Vaper amidst the Coronavirus Outbreak?
We recommend to stay safe is do not share your vape device with anybody! close family / friends may be carriers of the virus even if showing no symptoms. Frequently wiping your vape devices with alcohol on a cloth will help kill any germs. Vapes should be frequently cleaned in the same manner as hands.