The SMOK Stick V8 Electronic Cigarette Kit is reviewed below for those of you wanting a great value kit to vape even larger clouds with the V8’s big baby beast tank. The SMOK Stick V8 Baby is a newer version of the SMOK Stick V8 kit which has a baby beast tank instead, making it compliant with the UK’s TPD Regulations.
What Are the Key Benefits of the SMOK Stick V8 Kit?
- The SMOK Stick V8 kit includes an inbuilt battery.
- Passthrough charging function making recharging simple.
- The original kit comes with the big baby beast tank which enables a large and smooth vape. This kit is no longer compliant with the UK’s TPD Regulations and therefore the SMOK Stick V8 Baby kit is available instead, which has a baby beast tank.
- The V8 kit is relatively small and discrete in size for the amount of vape produced.
Who the SMOK Stick V8 / Baby Kit Will Suit?
- Vapers on a budget.
- Vapers wanting a great quality e-cigarette set up.
- Those who want to blow larger clouds with sub ohm vaping.
- Vapers requiring a better taste to their e-liquids.
- Those who want to give themselves a stronger chance of enjoying their e-liquid and electronic cigarette.
- Vapers wanting to keep up with the latest in vaping technology.
How Often Will the SMOK Baby Beast Tank Coils Need Replacing?
The coils inside the SMOK Stick V8 Baby or Big Baby Beast will eventually burn out, like all electronic cigarette coils. The frequency you will have to replace them depends on a variety of factors, and in particular how much you use your electronic cigarette and the e-liquid you use. You can extend the coil’s longevity by priming it appropriately when first filling your tank.
Which Coils Fit Inside the Stick V8 Tank?
The SMOK Baby Beast coils fit the Stick V8 kit.

How Long Will the Stick V8 Battery Last Before Recharging?
Like all electronic cigarette batteries, the number of hours between charging can vary depending on how much you use it. Although the SMOK Stick V8 is a small size, it does offer 3000mAh of battery capacity.
How to Charge the SMOK Stick V8 Battery?
- Vapour Days UK recommend that you only charge the battery when the full charge has been used to extend the longevity of the battery life.
- Please ensure you only use the charging cable provided with this electronic cigarette kit and a wall plug specifically manufactured for an electronic cigarette.
- Do not use your phone or iPad plugs, for example. This is because other wall plugs or USB chargers may provide the incorrect output required for your electronic cigarette, even though they appear to fit.
- The plugs and charging cables sold at Vapour Days UK are specifically designed to charge this electronic cigarette kit.

I Broke the Glass on my SMOK TFV8 Baby, Can I Replace the Glass?
Yes, you can buy glass for the SMOK TFV8 Baby Tank on the following link or in the Bristol Vapour Days store. If you have the original SMOK TFV8 Big Baby tank which came with the SMOK V8 kit, the big baby glass will fit your 3ml tank.

Where Can I Buy the SMOK Stick V8 Pen From?
You can buy the SMOK Stick V8 Kit in the Vapour Days Bristol UK store on the Middle Floor of the Galleries Shopping Centre, Bristol. Alternatively, you can buy online in the UK by following the link below.

Been charging mine up for 5 hours but still nothing at all, its a brand new battery and vape,very disappointed that it dos,nt seem to charge and yes I,ve done the 5 fast clicks etc but still nothing !
HOW LONG Does it take Until FULLY Charged ???
just bought my X8, plugged it in, had it on the charger for about 7 hours and its still not on. a couple other people with the stick said the led around the button is supposed to light up when its charging, mine doesnt do that. its not the charger either because i used it to charge other things and it did just fine. one person saif to take the mod off of the tank anf clean it but that didnt do anything. advise?
I brought a smok stick v8 and all i keep reading is it comes with 2 coils i es a 1.5 and the other a 2.5 but the coIl in mine is 0.4 can someone tell me why Mine came with the 0.4 coil
What does it mean when it blinks 3 times when I turn it on/off?
Just got Mine today, great Product, Been charging for a grip now the red light is still on but ive been vaping while its one the charger, so who knows on thIs red light issue!!
Can I charge my SMOK stick v8 over NIGHT SAFELY? I have been doing this for over a month & it has never been hot when I unplug it in the morning, so this leads me to believe it is safe although I have read where everyone is saying not to do this.
I have one it is safe i do it eVery night
I bought my beat in a vape shop in Somerset PA and mine won’t work I charge it and it plinks and the ref light goes off when it’s charged ik but it still doesn’t work is it the coil and how long does it need to charge I bought it on November 1 can someone help me out please
Am i dumb i cant see where to plug the charger in the smok?
I bought mine today,all I can say is wow! Brilliant product!
So the red charging light just turns off when fully charged??
Same thing happened to me it was just the coil because it’s my first one 4 blinks means it short or open circuited. So just replace the coil and I was told to make sure it’s tightened correctly. Works awesome now
how long does a full charge take?
Mine has been charging for over 10 hours and every time i press the button it just blinks 4 times and i dont know if it is broken or what i am doing wrong?? ☹️?
Just brought a smok V8 baby kit .
Can any one help please I use 18 mg nicotine juice normally can anyone here recommend a good juice to use with this kit ? .
Definitely not 18 mg as this kit puts out a lot of vapor! I use 3mg – 6mg at most in my sub ohm tanks
How do I know when it’s fully charged
I would love to know the same thing mate
Yes same how do you know when it is fully charged
red light will turn off once charged
plug it in and a red light comes on under charging port, when red light turns off, the battery is fully charged
Really , I’ve charged mine for over 8 and the red light always stays on
Just bought it
When i press the buttom nothing happens when i putt the charger in it blinks 4 times when i press the button when the charger is in it plinks 4 times.
charged it for around 4 hours and it dosent work.
i have spammed klickt it pressed 5 times and just hold it in nothing works
sorry for bad english 😀
You have to press the button 5 clicks to turn it on and 5 clicks to turn off
Did you open the valve for air to come iN at the bo of the jui tank by twist the bolt like cylinder?
I used mine and it’s dead now it’s been charging for 4 hours but when I go to use it it just blinks can anyone help me?
Mine was doing that I took the tank off and cleaned the screw and the hole it screws into and I works again??
this thing is a beast i bought so many mods and that one made me in joy great battery lasts all day good size amazing colours i got myself the rainbow one and its just so badass amazing clouds things i didnt like about it is that it absorbs liquids so damn fast like you gotta fill it like 7+ times a day or so
I bought one earlier today and it’s been charging for 3 hours and still can’t use it. How long does it take to charge before I can start using it?
Hi Susan
Usually the SMOK kits come pre charged. You will need to click the button the battery 5 times in quick succession to turn it on. After allowing your liquid to soak into the coil for a few minutes, and once the battery has been turned on, you will need to hold the button on the battery while dragging. If you still have any questions, please bring it back into the store and we would be more than happy to help.
Enjoy your new kit!
Vapour Days
press the button 5 times quick to turn it on/off 😉
Make sure you turn it on 5 fast clicks
Just bought one,and must admit…You can buy more more expensive box models,but seriously there is NO reason to.
This is a beautiful design, functions awesomely,and just a joy to use!
I cannot find anything about it not to like.
Out performs my $140 rigs,looks classy,EZ to carry in pocket,battery lasts all day and with the .15 coil,your juice flavor really shines,and u get huge clouds if u want
All in all,I’d def buy again.
I bought smok v8stick pen..there quality !!!
But i dropped it last week and smashed the glass
It has a big baby beast tank onit I’ve bought 4 big baby beast replacement glasses and not one them fit???
Dose anyone know where i can get a replacement glass?
I found a five-pack colored online. Send me an email at …. and I’ll look for it and send it to ya.
the tfv8 “Baby” beast and “Big” baby beast are 2 different tanks