Stoptober is a challenge for you to give up smoking in October. Research has found that stopping smoking for 28 days means you’re FIVE times more likely to quit for good. That’s where trying electronic cigarettes can help.
VAPOUR DAYS is encouraging all smokers out there to have a VAPOUR DAY. Just one day on an electronic cigarette will give you the confidence that you can quit tobacco. So if you are feeling the effect of smoking on your health, why not come in to the Vapour Days Bristol store to try an electronic cigarette, or buy online now in Vapour Days online shop. Alternatively, if you know a loved-one who smokes and wants to quit, you could buy them an electronic cigarette as a gift.
If you have any queries, you can contact us in the Bristol shop (Ground Floor, The Galleries Shopping Centre, Bristol) or via our Contact Vapour Days page.
So quit smoking for a VAPOUR DAY in October and prove you can meet the Stoptober Challenge!