Kangertech’s EMOW Variable Voltage Battery is reviewed below for those of you wanting a more durable electronic cigarette variable voltage battery.
Kangertech’s EMOW Variable Voltage Battery is reviewed below for those of you wanting a more durable electronic cigarette variable voltage battery.
The Saturn is one of the best batteries available on the market and has an even larger battery capacity (2500mAH) and larger range in voltage (up to 8 volts / 30W) compared to the iStick, yet it is still compact in size and has an even more stylish look. Continue reading Saturn 2500mAH Mod Advanced Battery – Review
The UltraFire Battery Charger is reviewed below for those of you requiring a charger to charge your mod batteries.
This is a battery with a difference! Fed up of your electronic cigarette battery running out of charge? The variable voltage pass through battery provides a great solution, because while in your car or near a laptop or desktop with a USB port, you can vape away until your e-cigarette battery has recharged.
Continue reading Variable Voltage Passthrough Battery – Review
The media have been highlighting the risk that electronic cigarette batteries can malfunction while charging. Whilst this is extremely unlikely to happen, any battery (not only electronic cigarette batteries) left on charge has a small chance of malfunctioning. Millions of electronic cigarettes are sold every day, and the incidence of batteries malfunctioning is very rare. You should purchase a charger manufactured specifically for electronic cigarettes from a reputable supplier – http://www.vapourdays.co.uk/product-category/chargers. However, Vapour Days have safety bags available for you to charge your battery in. They mean that, in the very unlikely event that your battery malfunctions, you will be protected. Put your mind at rest with one of these safety bags.
Thank you for purchasing your Vapour Days electronic cigarette starter kit. The diagram above shows how to fill your atomiser with eliquid and how to charge the battery. It also shows how to change the coil head which is only required once the coil burns out. You will know when the coil burns out as it will give you less vapour. Each coil lasts approximately 2 weeks. Additional safety advice is also included below. Once you are ready to have a Vapour Day, click the button on the battery 5 times in quick succession to turn the battery on. To increase the amount of vapour you receive click the button 5 times in quick succession again. You can increase the level once more with another 5 quick clicks. To turn off your electronic cigarette, keep clicking up the voltage until eventually when you push the button it longer shows a light. This means the battery is switched off so you will not accidentally release any vapour when not in use.
Continue reading New BDC Electronic Cigarette – Instructions for Use