Vaping is better than smoking! The truth of why some vapers succeed and others don’t is down to experience and developing a passion for vaping. Both the first and last experiences dictate how likely a smoker is to stick with the transition to vaping. A smoker entering a vape shop needs to have a great first experience and they need to be asked the right questions and given the best answers to suit their needs as we know Vaping is better than smoking.
Investing in the best kit for their needs will significantly increase their likelihood of success. Occasionally customers choose a ‘cheap kit to give it a go’. Inevitably they spend more money on a better kit later, or decide that ‘vaping isn’t for me’. Going for the best kit for their needs first time round gives a great chance of stopping smoking for good. Below is an interview with the owner of Vapour Days. He switched to electronic cigarettes over 8 years ago and has sold vape products to customers through the Bristol shop an all over the UK since 2014 and we have been told from alot of these customers that Vaping is better than smoking.
Continue reading Vaping is better than smoking! A Passion For Vaping: An Interview With the Owner of Vapour Days