Where in the UK is it OK to Vape?

lady vaping standing against wall

Vaping may have become more popular in recent years, but that has also contributed to a rise in concern over its potential effects. This has led to increasing regulation to limit the places in which you can vape, so make sure you check the rules before you take out your electronic cigarette. In this guide, we cover the rules concerning where you can and can’t vape in the UK. First though, let’s start by looking at the legislation. Continue reading Where in the UK is it OK to Vape?

Vaping ‘Far Safer’ Than Cigarettes

Vapour Days Electronic Cigarettes and E-Liquids Bristol Store

Vaping ‘Far Safer’ Than Cigarettes

A long-term study into the effects of vaping on the health of ex smokers has found that vaping is far safer than tobacco cigarettes. The study looked at individuals six months after replacing smoking tobacco cigarettes for vaping, and found that the vapers had far fewer toxins and cancer causing substances than smokers. For example, one chemical highly associated with lung cancer, was found to be at 97% lower levels in the vapers than in the smokers.

Continue reading Vaping ‘Far Safer’ Than Cigarettes

E Cigarette Ban Lifted by Nottingham Hospital Trust

Vapour Days Electronic Cigarettes and E-Liquids Bristol Store

E Cigarette Ban Lifted by Nottingham Hospital Trust

In 2014 Nottingham Hospital Trust had banned the use of e cigarettes on its grounds. After considering the recommendations of Public Health England in 2015, NHS England recommended that vaping should not be banned by hospital trusts or prisons. Nottingham Hospital Trust has now lifted its ban and now permits vaping in the hospital grounds.


The full article can be read on the following link http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-36274861