The Best Vape Kit 2024 Guide: Performance Meets Portability 🚀

Bst Vape kits of 2024 Vapour Days

Best Vape Kit 2024: Your Definitive Guide to Top Performing Portable Devices 🚀

What is the best vape kit 2024? In the rapidly evolving world of vaping, finding the Best Vape Kit isn’t just about chasing trends—it’s about discovering a device that revolutionizes your vaping experience. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the top vape kits that are redefining portability, performance, and pleasure in 2024.

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Guide To Best Selling Disposable Flavours – And Why

Lost Mary Elf Bar Crystal Best Selling Disposables

Guide To Best Selling Disposable Flavours? Disposables are the hottest-selling vapes in 2023. A big reason for this is that they have to be repurchased frequently as they can’t simply be recharged like reusables can. There are now several popular brands of disposables on the market, making it tough to know which flavour to choose. This post looks at which disposables have been the best-selling at Vapour Days UK so far in 2023, and why customers love them!

Continue reading Guide To Best Selling Disposable Flavours – And Why

Refillable Pods, Prefilled Pods vs Coils: Which Are Best?

Pod Vape Kits Help

Refillable Pods and Prefilled Pods have become extremely popular in the vaping world. They are smaller, more user-friendly, and offer a wide range of flavors. However, with so many options available, it can be confusing to know which one to choose. In this post, we will explore the different types of pods and help you find the perfect kit for your vaping needs. Let’s get started!

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Reusable Vape kits! Switching From Disposables to Reusable Vape Kits: Saving You Money and Saving the Environment!

Disposable Vape Kits Coming To An End

Vaping is a great way to give up smoking and quit nicotine for good. But if you’re going with the disposable option, then you’re missing out on some serious savings with reusable vape kits! In this post, we’ll look at how much more money you can save by switching from disposables to reusable vape kits.

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Will The Obsession With Disposables Come To An End?

Disposable Vape Kits Coming To An End

Disposable vapes have smashed the vape scene since their launch last year. We discussed the environmental impact of these before releasing them in our shop, in the hope it educated many of the vapers considering switching from reusable vapes to disposables. So far, the sale of disposables continues to be high in our Bristol vape shop. In this post, we will look at the reasons why you may be choosing to vape with disposable e-cigarettes, and why reusable kits may be a better choice for you.

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Environmental Impacts of Disposables / Disposable Pod Kits

Elf Bar Watermelon Disposables

There seems to be a huge surge in vapers buying disposable e-cigarettes to vape briefly over the short term. Comparing 2019 to 2021, there has been nearly a 400% rise in vape users. There is also a big surge in existing vapers buying disposables for many reasons discussed below. Vapour Days UK did not initially want to sell these disposables due to the environmental impact on our planet. Here, we look deeper into the harm, if any, to vaping using a disposable vape rather than a reusable one. If a disposable is not essential for your needs, we also compare some of the best selling reusable kits comparable in vaping style to make an informed decision.

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Vaping Jargon Alert – How Many Words Can you Call a Vape Product?!

What does RDL mean vaping definition

If you’ve ever been lucky enough to have an exciting academic or career journey, you will likely reflect back to a time when you first started. You had no idea what on earth everyone was talking about?! They were throwing jargon words around like it was an adventure. You were sat lost and smiling, trying to pretend you totally understood what it all meant. You started your vaping journey and BOOM. There you are again – word after word of jargon being used for e liquids, coils, kit types, vaping features… Let’s help you work out what it all means and relax back into the world of vape.

Continue reading Vaping Jargon Alert – How Many Words Can you Call a Vape Product?!