E-Cigs Aren’t Addictive Says UK Poll of 10,000
According to the largest UK study of e-cigarette use among British teenagers very few actually become addicted to vaping.
The survey of over 10,000 young people in the UK between the ages of 10 and 16 were quizzed on their smoking habits. The findings are based on two surveys in the UK, in which two groups of young people children – 1,601 aged 10 to 11, and 9,055 aged 11 to 16, were asked questions.
The survey revealed that around 6% of 10 and 11-year-olds and more than 12% of older people had tried vaping.
The results also showed that less than 2% say they then became addicted to vaping.
The results suggest that concerns about vaping being a route to cigarettes are unfounded.
Independent experts are not surprised by the findings. David Nutt, Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London, said: “It shows what we might predict. My personal view is that e-cigarettes are unlikely to be remotely as harmful as cigarettes. Even if everyone used e-cigarettes, the burden of harm would be less than that of current cigarette smoking.”
Linda Bauld, a Professor of Health Policy at the University of Stirling, said it “may be time to move on from the moral panic” surrounding e-cigarette use.
To read the full BBC news article follow this link http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/32333424/e-cigs-not-addictive-says-poll-of-10000