Thank you for purchasing your Vapour Days electronic cigarette starter kit. The diagram above shows how to fill your atomiser with eliquid and how to charge the battery. It also shows how to change the coil head which is only required once the coil burns out. You will know when the coil burns out as it will give you less vapour. Each coil lasts approximately 2 weeks. Additional safety advice is also included below. Once you are ready to have a Vapour Day, click the button on the battery 5 times in quick succession to turn the battery on. To increase the amount of vapour you receive click the button 5 times in quick succession again. You can increase the level once more with another 5 quick clicks. To turn off your electronic cigarette, keep clicking up the voltage until eventually when you push the button it longer shows a light. This means the battery is switched off so you will not accidentally release any vapour when not in use.
Safety Advice
• Pour the e-liquid down the inside wall, avoiding the middle hole.
• Do not let the atomiser run completely dry before refilling with e-liquid.
• Only press the button on the battery whilst inhaling.
• Do not use at a vertical position as e-liquid could leak.
• Hold the button on for no longer than 5 seconds to prevent the atomiser being overheated.
• Please only charge the battery with the Vapour Days charger provided with the kit.
• If e-liquid gets trapped in the air-holes you may hear a bubbling sound as you vape. Place a tissue around the top of the mouthpiece and swing the atomiser in a motion from your ear to your hip to force the condensation out of the mouthpiece. This will ensure the e-liquid is forced out onto the tissue. Continue this action a few times until no condensation appears on the tissue.
• Please ensure you clean the connection pad of the battery and the charger connector with tissue or similar before charging.
• Do not over-tighten the battery onto the charger as this could damage the battery. Turn the battery onto the charger slowly until the light changes from green to red.
• Avoid storing the electronic cigarette in your pocket as when you go to bend down it is put under pressure and can be damaged.
• Only use the USB charging cable and wall plug provided with the kit to ensure safety during charging. Do not use any phone plugs to charge your electronic cigarette.