E-Cigs Aren’t Addictive Says UK Poll of 10,000
According to the largest UK study of e-cigarette use among British teenagers very few actually become addicted to vaping.
E-Cigs Aren’t Addictive Says UK Poll of 10,000
According to the largest UK study of e-cigarette use among British teenagers very few actually become addicted to vaping.
Quit Smoking for Vaping – Benefits on the Body
Studies in the UK and worldwide have been undertaken at a high rate on the impact of vaping on the human body. The findings are very positive, finding health benefits across all different parts of the body.
Continue reading Quit Smoking for Vaping – Benefits on the Body
Public Health England
In 2014, the UK Public Health England reported that electronic cigarette vapour creates an extremely low passive risk to others.
Continue reading Public Health&Adoption E-Cig Awareness Improved
Top Tips to Take Care of Your Electronic Cigarette
The aim now you have your new electronic cigarette is to keep it safe and usable. Different experiences of UK electronic cigarette users are outlined below with solutions to help you keep your electronic cigarettes in good condition.
Continue reading Top Tips to Take Care of Your Electronic Cigarette
What are the Side Effects of Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping?
A frequently asked question is ‘what are the side effects of electronic cigarettes and vaping?’. Rather, the question should be ‘what are the side effects of quitting smoking?’, because although electronic cigarettes continue to provide you with nicotine, all of the other toxic chemicals are not included in the liquid. Withdrawal from those carcinogens and chemicals can lead to side effects dependent on the individual and how addicted to tobacco they were.
Continue reading What are the Side Effects of Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping?
Famous Celebrity Vapers
The following celebrities have been spotted using electronic cigarettes, showing how popular vaping is becoming in helping people to quit smoking.
What are Your Vaping Stories?
The Vapour Days electronic cigarettes team frequently hear about the great success stories that using e cigs have brought to yours and your loved-ones lives. Post your stories, views and experiences as comments to this post to share your success with new e cigarette users or those considering trying ecigarettes.
Effectiveness of Electronic Cigarettes to Quit Smoking
Dr Siegel of Boston University has published findings that using electronic cigarettes as a means to quitting smoking is effective.
Research also found that vapers using electronic cigarette juice containing nicotine were more likely to succeed than those using nicotine-free e-liquid.
The study found that 18% of smokers using e-cigarettes had quit smoking within six months.
With such a high success rate, why not visit the Vapour Days shop in the middle floor of the Galleries Shopping Centre, Bristol, UK.
Alternatively buy great value and high quality starter kits online here – http://www.vapourdays.co.uk/product-category/starter-kits/
To read the full article, follow this link http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/first-meta-analysis-of-existing-studies.html
Gift Help
A current FAQ is ‘What can I buy someone very special to me for a gift?’ The answer depends on whether the person is an existing vaper or a smoker who you want to encourage to quit with the help of electronic cigarettes.
Continue reading Gifts – Electronic Cigarettes, E-Liquids and Accessories
Can I take electronic cigarettes on board with me on the plane? And the battery?
The answer is yes you can! You will have to place your eliquid in a clear plastic bag for the security gate.
Am I allowed to vape in the airport and during the aeroplane flight?
Continue reading Electronic cigarettes and Eliquids on Aeroplanes – Are they allowed?